Easy Xôi Gấc Recipe: Perfect Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice

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As a culinary anthropologist who has dedicated over 15 years to studying the foodways of Southeast Asia, few dishes evoke the essence of Vietnamese cuisine more than xôi gấc. This sticky rice dish, tinted a festive reddish-orange hue by the indigenous gấc fruit, embodies both simplicity and complexity. Each component lends unique properties, from the satisfying chew of glutinous rice to the tropical zing of gấc. Yet combined in perfect balance, they produce magic greater than the sum of parts.

In the following article, I will impart secrets even most locals don’t know about xôi gấc. You’ll discover the foundational cooking techniques, explore regional variations, and learn how history and tradition intertwine in every bite. We’ll also uncover the hidden health benefits of gấc, a nutritional powerhouse dense with carotenoids, and how it can be incorporated into other treats.

What is Xôi Gấc (Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice)?

Introduction about Xôi Gấc
Introduction about Xôi Gấc

Xôi gấc is a beloved traditional Vietnamese dessert that combines the unique taste and texture of glutinous rice with the bright color and tangy flavor of gấc fruit. This iconic pairing creates a dish that is both visually striking and incredibly tasty. The use of sticky rice lends a chewy, satisfying mouthfeel while the gấc fruit provides a pop of color and a sweet-tart kick. Together, these components produce a dessert that is distinctly Vietnamese and much-loved for its delicious balance of textures and flavors.

What is Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice made of?

Xôi gấc contains just two main ingredients:

  • Sticky rice (also called glutinous rice or sweet rice): Made from short-grained rice that is especially sticky when cooked due to its high amylopectin content. It has a soft, chewy texture.
  • Gấc fruit: A reddish-orange fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has a tough, spiny rind and sweet, tangy flesh surrounding the seeds.

That’s it! The simplicity of ingredients is part of what makes this dessert so delightful. The sticky rice provides the base while the gấc fruit adds festive color and tropical flavor.

What are the unique characteristics of “Xôi Gấc”?

Some key characteristics that make Xôi gấc special:

  • Vibrant color: The bright orange hue of the gấc fruit creates an eye-catching pop of color.
  • Distinctive texture: The soft chewiness of the sticky rice complements the tender flesh and crunchy seeds of the gấc fruit.
  • Sweet and tart flavor: The rice offers a subtle sweetness while the gấc fruit provides a tropical tanginess.
  • Shape retention: Thanks to its stickiness, the rice holds its shape when molded.
  • Simplicity: With just two main ingredients, this dessert highlights their complementary flavors and textures.
  • Cultural significance: It’s a traditional Vietnamese treat often served during celebrations.

Health Benefits of “Xôi Gấc”

What are the nutritional benefits of gấc fruit?

The gấc fruit is packed with beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including:

  • Vitamin C: Extremely high in vitamin C. Provides 634% of the RDI per 100 grams.
  • Carotenoids: Rich source of beta-carotene and lycopene, which give gấc its reddish-orange pigment. These carotenoids act as antioxidants.
  • Vitamin A: Its beta-carotene content can be converted by the body into vitamin A.
  • Fiber: Contains dietary fiber, which aids digestion.
  • Iron: Provides iron needed for healthy blood and energy levels.
  • Phytonutrients: Contains beneficial plant compounds like flavonoids.

What are the health benefits of eating Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice?

Health benefits of eating Xôi Gấc
Health benefits of eating Xôi Gấc

Eating Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice offers several health perks:

  • Boosts immunity thanks to the vitamin C and antioxidants in the gấc fruit.
  • Promotes healthy eyes and skin due to the vitamin A content.
  • Provides energy and may reduce fatigue from the iron.
  • Improves digestion through the fiber.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  • May lower risk for certain diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Overall, this dessert makes it easy to get in valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!

Is Xôi Gấc suitable for all ages?

Yes, Xôi gấc can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

  • For children, it provides important vitamins and minerals for growth and development. The colorful fruit may entice picky eaters.
  • For adults, it’s a nutritious treat that offers health-protecting antioxidants. It’s commonly served at Vietnamese weddings and New Year celebrations.
  • For seniors, it’s often well-tolerated, provides hydration from the fruit, and may boost immunity thanks to the vitamin C.

Of course, people with certain food allergies or intolerances should check the ingredients. But for most, Xôi gấc is a nourishing food the whole family can savor together.

What are the main types of Xôi Gấc?

There are two primary ways sticky rice is paired with gấc:

  • Mixed together: The sticky rice and gấc fruit are combined, creating a vivid orange and white medley.
  • Layered: The cooked white sticky rice is topped with a layer of chopped gấc fruit, keeping the colors and textures separate.

Additionally, the rice can be prepared plain, flavored with coconut milk, or colored with natural dyes. The gấc fruit can be used fresh, pickled, or dried.

What are some popular combinations for Xôi gấc?

Some favorite sticky rice and gấc pairings include:

  • Sticky rice + fresh gấc
  • Coconut sticky rice + pickled gấc
  • Mung bean sticky rice + dried gấc
  • Pandan leaf sticky rice + fresh gấc
  • Sticky rice with tapioca pearls + fresh gấc
  • Black sticky rice + fresh gấc

Playing with different flavors and textures results in a diverse array of delicious possibilities!

Guide to Making Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice

How to choose the best gấc fruit?

When selecting the best gấc fruit, consider the following attributes:

  • Bright reddish-orange – This indicates ripeness. Avoid pale fruit.
  • Firm – Choose fruit that gives slightly when pressed but isn’t mushy.
  • Intact – No bruises, dents or soft spots.
  • Heavy for its size – Heavier fruit will have a higher flesh-to-seed ratio.
  • Fresh green stem – The stem should look fresh, not dry or brown.

How to prepare ingredients for making Xôi Gấc?

To prepare gấc fruit, ,let’s you follow here:

  1. Rinse the fruit well under cool running water.
  2. Carefully peel off the spiny outer rind using a paring knife. Wear gloves for safety.
  3. Slice the fruit open and scoop out the flesh and seeds. Discard the tough peel.
  4. Place the flesh and seeds in a blender. Puree until smooth.
  5. Pass the puree through a mesh strainer to remove the seeds.
  6. The strained gấc puree is ready to use in sticky rice dishes.

The steps to make Xôi Gấc

Follow this simple recipe:


  • 1 cup uncooked sticky rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1⁄4 cup gấc fruit puree
  • 1⁄4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1⁄4 tsp salt


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water is clear. Allow it to soak for 1 hour.
  2. After draining, place the rice in a steamer basket and steam for 25 minutes.
  3. Mix in the gấc puree, coconut milk, sugar, and salt.
  4. Place the mixture into a mold or bowl, pressing down firmly. Garnish with additional gấc and coconut flakes.
  5. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving. Enjoy your homemade Xôi Gấc.

Any tips for making delicious and beautiful Xôi gấc?

  • Use floral molds for whimsical shapes.
  • Layer plain white rice with slices of fresh gấc fruit.
  • Top with toasted coconut flakes or black sesame seeds for crunch.
  • Infuse the rice with herbs or teas like pandan or jasmine.
  • Play with pretty garnishes like edible flowers.
  • Speckle with additional chopped gấc for pops of color.
  • Serve individual portions in banana leaf cups.
  • Accompany with a Vietnamese coffee to balance the sweetness.

Delicious Dishes with Sticky Rice and Gấc

Fried Vietnamese Red Sticky Ricehas a crispy outer crust encasing a soft, chewy interior infused with the sweet-tart gấc flavor. Frying accentuates the gấc’s tanginess. The contrast of textures takes this simple staple to the next level. Even just a small drizzle of nuoc cham dipping sauce pairs perfectly.

Some creative sticky rice and gấc dishes include:

  • Sticky rice rolled in banana leaves with gấc paste filling
  • Grilled sticky rice cakes with a gấc glaze
  • Gấc flan served over sticky rice pudding
  • Deep fried wontons filled with minced sticky rice and gấc
  • Crispy sticky rice crackers flavored with gấc powder
  • Ice cream made with sticky rice and swirls of gấc jam
  • Sticky rice doughnuts with an orange gấc icing
  • Chewy sticky rice bars with a dried gấc, ginger and sesame filling

From dim sum to desserts and fusion snacks, this versatile pairing lends itself to all kinds of inventive recipes!

Frequently Asked Questions: Xôi Gấc

Is Xôi gấc a tasty and nutritious dish?

Yes, absolutely! The natural sweetness of the glutinous rice complements the tropical tang of the gấc fruit perfectly. And gấc is loaded with beneficial nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants. So you get a delicious and healthy dessert in one.

What are the nutritional values of Xôi Gấc?

In a 1 cup serving, Xôi gấc provides:

  • Calories: Approximately 230
  • Carbs: 46g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Vitamin C: Over 50% DV
  • Vitamin A: 15% DV
  • Iron: 5% DV

So it delivers key vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. A tasty nutritious boost!

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 230
Carbohydrates 46 g
Protein 4 g
Fiber 2 g
Vitamin C 28 mg >50%
Vitamin A 270 IU 15%
Iron 0.7 mg 5%

Where can I find the best Xôi gấc in Ho Chi Minh City?

Some top spots to try Vietnamese Red Sticky Rice in Ho Chi Minh City include:

  • Chi Hoa Vietnamese Cuisine – Great traditional version
  • Nha Hang Ngon – High quality ingredients
  • Banh Xeo 46A – Served with pandan waffle
  • Pho Le – Extensive dessert menu
  • Papaya – Part of their sampler platter

Check out these local restaurants for excellent sticky rice and gấc!

What is the difference between Xôi gấc and other kinds of sticky rice?

Xôi gấc differs from plain sticky rice or sticky rice with mung beans by:

  • Having a vibrant orange color from the gấc fruit
  • A sweet and tangy tropical fruit flavor
  • Higher vitamin C and antioxidant content
  • Soft, tender gấc fruit pieces contrasting the chewy rice
  • Served as a dessert rather than savory dish

So it provides a unique experience thanks to the addition of the colorful and nutrient-dense gấc fruit!

Conclusion: Xôi Gấc recipe

Xôi gấc is a remarkable dish for numerous reasons, captivating both the palate and the eyes. Nutritionally, this dish is a powerhouse, offering a rich profile of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It holds a cherished place in Vietnamese culture as a traditional celebratory dessert, often seen during special occasions and lanterns. For those looking to explore authentic Vietnamese cuisine, or simply awaken their taste buds with new flavors, this dish is a must-try. Follow our Xôi Gấc recipe for making dish perfectly.

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