Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng (Fried Eggs & Chinese Sausage)

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Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng (Fried Eggs & Chinese Sausage) are a match made in breakfast heaven. The combination of fluffy eggs, savory sausage, and crispy edges is downright addictive. This simple yet satisfying dish has become a go-to morning meal across China, Hong Kong, and beyond. The salty, umami flavors of the sausage complement the rich eggs perfectly. The textures also balance each other out, with the soft curds and runny yolks playing off the casing’s snap. Fried eggs and Chinese sausage are endlessly versatile too. You can tweak the basic recipe in all sorts of ways, adding veggies, herbs, chili sauces, and more to customize your plate. Let’s learn how to cook this dish now.

What is Chinese Sausage?

What is Chinese Sausage?

Chinese sausage, often called lap cheong, is a cured, smoked sausage seasoned with soy sauce and rice wine. There are two main types of Chinese sausage:

  • Cantonese style – traditionally made of pork and pork fat. It has a sweet flavor profile with notes of honey, hoisin sauce and five-spice powder. The sausages are reddish in color.
  • Hunan style – spicier and more savory. These sausages contain more garlic and are seasoned with chili flakes. Hunan sausages have a deeper maroon color.

While the seasonings vary between regional styles, all Chinese sausages are made by mincing pork and fat, then stuffing the mixture into casings. The sausages are hung to dry and smoked over wood, tea leaves or sandalwood to impart flavor. This curing process concentrates the porky umami taste.

Preparing Fried Eggs with Chinese Sausage

Cooking up the perfect fried egg and sausage breakfast is easy. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Slice Chinese sausage into 1⁄4 inch rounds.
  2. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add just enough oil to coat the bottom and arrange the sausage slices in a single layer.
  3. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the sausage is lightly browned. Flip and cook 1-2 minutes more.
  4. Crack eggs directly into the skillet around the sausage. For each egg, pierce the yolk with a knife tip before frying. This prevents the yolks from exploding.
  5. Cover the pan and cook for 2-4 minutes, until the egg whites are set but the yolks are still runny.
  6. Season with a pinch of salt and white pepper. Remove from heat.
  7. Serve immediately, while the yolks are still molten and oozy. Enjoy with rice or noodles!

To take this recipe up a notch, consider adding aromatics like minced garlic, ginger and green onions to the sausage as it cooks. A dash of sesame oil or oyster sauce can also enhance the flavor. For a creamy, luxurious dish, stir in a spoonful of cream cheese or creme fraiche after cooking.

Tips For Making Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng

Here are some tips for making delicious trứng chiên lạp xưởng (fried eggs):

  • Use very fresh eggs. Older eggs are more likely to break when frying.
  • Heat enough oil in the pan before frying. 2-3 tablespoons of oil should be enough for frying 2-3 eggs. Use a vegetable oil with a high smoke point like canola or peanut oil.
  • Crack the eggs individually into a small bowl first before adding to the pan. This will allow you to slip them gently into the oil without breaking the yolks.
  • For the lacy edges, don’t flip the eggs. Spoon hot oil over the top of the whites so they crisp up while the bottoms fry. Alternatively, you can baste the whites with oil if you don’t want to risk breaking the yolks.
  • Fry over medium-high heat. The whites should set in 1-2 minutes while the yolks remain runny.
  • Sprinkle with salt, pepper, green onions, and chili flakes once done cooking. Add a drizzle of oil on top.
What is Chinese Sausage?

Flavor Combinations With Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng

The sweet-savory taste of Chinese sausage pairs wonderfully with many ingredients.

  • Cantonese style sausage – Goes well with black pepper, five spice powder, hoisin sauce, honey, scallions, mushrooms and snow peas.
  • Hunan style sausage – Pairs nicely with spicy peppers, garlic, ginger, chili oil, broccoli and bok choy.

Unexpected ingredients can also complement the sausage. Fried eggs with sausage and kimchi is a great combination of spicy, sour and sweet. Cooked shredded potato or yam adds hearty texture. Or top the dish with a fried tomato for a burst of tangy flavor.

Flavor Combinations With Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of sausage in this dish?

While you can experiment with kielbasa or breakfast sausage, Chinese-style lap cheong has the ideal sweet-savory flavor profile that really makes this dish sing.

What are the differences between Chinese and Western sausage?

Chinese sausages like lap cheong have a sweeter, more fermented taste from the soy sauce and rice wine marinade. They are also smoked and dried rather than cooked. Western sausages use spices like sage, garlic and chili flakes for flavor.

What are some typical side dishes with this meal?

Steamed rice, fried potatoes, kimchi and stir fried vegetables are classic accompaniments. Fried eggs and sausage also pair nicely with congee, ramen or wonton noodle soup.

How does Cantonese sausage differ from other Chinese sausages?

Cantonese style lap cheong is known for its honey-like sweetness. It uses warm spices like five spice powder instead of chili flakes, for a milder heat. The sausages are also a distinctive red color.

Conclusion: Trứng Chiên Lạp Xưởng

Fried eggs with Chinese sausage is the ultimate breakfast – quick to prepare, endlessly customizable and packed with satisfying flavor. With a basic understanding of the components that make this dish so tasty, you can whip up this meal for a fast protein-rich breakfast or brunch. Lap cheong sausage can also be used in many other dishes beyond breakfast due to its versatility. This article explored the background, regional styles, cooking methods and serving ideas for fried eggs and sausage. So next time you’re deciding what’s for breakfast, give this tasty combo a try. The rich, velvety egg yolks and savory sausage are sure to satisfy.

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