How To Make Taiwanese Sweet Potato Balls? | Cheen Huaye

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Taiwanese sweet potato balls are a beloved snack and street food in Taiwan. Their crispy golden exterior and soft, sweet interior make them an irresistible treat. These potato balls are unique because they are made from mashed sweet potatoes, which gives them a naturally sweet flavor and bright orange color. Sweet potato balls are popular across Taiwan, but they are especially iconic in the city of Tainan. The sweet potato balls from this city are renowned for their perfectly balanced crispiness and chewiness. What makes these sweet potato balls special is the specific ratio of potato to dough that creates their melt-in-your-mouth texture.

What Makes These Sweet Potato Balls Special?

What Makes These Sweet Potato Balls Special?

Here are a few things that can make sweet potato balls special:

  • The use of mashed sweet potatoes as the main ingredient gives them a naturally sweet and creamy texture. Sweet potatoes have a lovely flavor that pairs well with spices and other ingredients.
  • Adding warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice enhances the sweet potato flavor and makes them taste like dessert.
  • Folding in crunchy mix-ins like chopped nuts, coconut, or crushed cookies gives them an interesting texture contrast. Pecans, walnuts, almonds, and coconut are delicious mix-ins.
  • Using breadcrumbs or panko breadcrumbs as a binder results in sweet potato balls that hold their shape well and get crispy on the outside when baked.
  • Rolling them in things like cinnamon-sugar, crushed cookie crumbs, or toasted coconut after baking provides extra flavor and crunch.
  • Serving them drizzled with maple syrup, honey, caramel, or melted chocolate takes them over the top in terms of sweetness and indulgence.
  • The unique soft and crispy texture and combination of sweet potato flavor, spices, and mix-ins is what really makes them special as an appetizer, side, or dessert. They’re a fun and creative way to eat sweet potatoes.

Ingredients and Preparation For Sweet Potato Balls

Ingredients and Preparation

Making authentic Taiwanese sweet potato balls requires just a few simple ingredients.

  • The main ingredient is obviously sweet potatoes. Be sure to use orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, not the white or purple varieties.
  • For the dough, you’ll need all-purpose flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, oil, and water.
  • For frying, use a neutral-flavored oil with a high smoke point like peanut or vegetable oil.

To prepare the sweet potato filling:

  • Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into 1-inch cubes.
  • Steam the cubes until very soft and easily mashed, about 15 minutes.
  • Mash the steamed sweet potatoes with a fork or potato masher. They should form a smooth, lump-free puree.
  • Let the mashed sweet potatoes cool completely before assembling the balls. This prevents the dough from getting gummy.

The secret to the perfect sweet potato ball dough is using both baking powder and oil. The baking powder helps the dough puff up into a light, crispy shell when fried. The oil gives it a soft, almost flaky texture.

Step-by-Step Guide For Making Sweet Potato Balls

Making sweet potato balls is easy to do at home with just a few simple steps:

  1. Make the dough by mixing together the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, oil, and water. Knead until smooth and elastic. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Divide the dough into small balls around 20g each. Dust lightly with flour to prevent sticking.
  3. Take one dough ball and flatten it into a thick disc in your palm. Place a tablespoon of the sweet potato filling in the center.
  4. Pinch the edges of the dough over the filling and seal it inside. Gently roll between your palms to form a smooth, round ball.
  5. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling. Make sure the potato balls are well sealed.
  6. Heat at least 2 inches of oil in a pan or wok to 325°F. Fry the balls in batches until golden brown all over, about 4-6 minutes per batch.
  7. To test for doneness, cut one open – the center should be hot throughout.
  8. Drain the fried sweet potato balls on paper towels and enjoy warm. They are best eaten freshly fried.

Variations and Tips Cooking Sweet Potato Balls

There are many creative ways to customize your sweet potato balls:

  • Stuff them with minced pork, chicken, or shrimp for a savory version.
  • Add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to the dough or filling.
  • Roll the balls in chopped peanuts, sesame seeds, or coconut after frying.
  • Stuff each ball with a cube of mozzarella or cream cheese for fun melty centers.

To achieve the perfect texture:

  • Use starchy, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. White or purple varieties will be drier.
  • Don’t over-mash the filling, or it will get gummy when fried.
  • Work quickly during assembly so the dough doesn’t dry out.
  • Fry at the right temperature, around 325°F, for evenly cooked interiors.

You can enjoy sweet potato balls as an appetizer, snack, or dessert. Try dipping them in condensed milk, chocolate sauce, or your favorite jam or compote. They also pair wonderfully with Taiwanese bubble tea.

Variations and Tips

Conclusion: Taiwanese Sweet Potato Balls

Making authentic Taiwanese sweet potato balls requires paying careful attention to each step, but the results are well worth the effort. The most important thing is maintaining the right ratio of dough to filling and frying at sufficiently high heat to achieve crispy exteriors and luscious centers. With their addictive sweet potato flavor, these golden fried treats are sure to be a new favorite snack. So grab some sweet potatoes and try making these iconic Taiwanese street food snacks at home! You’ll fall in love with the irresistible combination of crisp exterior and melty, sweet interior in every perfect little potato ball.

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