How To Make Fresh Pandan Soymilk? | Step By Step Guide

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Pandan Soymilk is a fragrant, nutritious beverage made from soybeans and pandan leaves. It’s a staple drink across Southeast Asia that is cherished for its unique flavor and health benefits. Making pandan soymilk at home lets you control the ingredients. You can use high-quality, organic soybeans and fresh pandan leaves to create a beverage far superior to store-bought varieties. Follow this easy guide to make fresh, homemade pandan soymilk that’s nutritious and delicious.

Ingredients For Pandan Soymilk

Ingredients For Pandan Soymilk

To make fresh pandan soymilk at home, you will need:

  • Soybeans – 1 cup dried soybeans soaked overnight or 2 cups fresh soybeans
  • Pandan leaves – 10 to 15 leaves, rinsed and chopped
  • Water – 4 cups
  • Sugar or sweetener – To taste

Fresh pandan leaves are ideal but frozen leaves can also be used. Opt for organic, non-GMO soybeans if possible for maximum nutrition. Replace sugar with honey, coconut sugar or dates to make a healthier sweetener-free version.

Soybean Options

  • Yellow soybeans – mild bean flavor
  • Black soybeans – stronger earthy flavor
  • Organic soybeans – non-GMO, sustainably grown

Natural Sweetener Substitutes

  • Honey
  • Coconut sugar
  • Dates
  • Maple syrup
  • Stevia

How To Cook Fresh Pandan Soymilk?

Follow these steps for making smooth, flavorful homemade pandan soymilk:

  1. Soak the soybeans overnight or for 8 to 12 hours in plenty of water. Discard the water. This helps remove anti-nutrients and makes beans easier to blend.
  2. Drain and rinse the soaked soybeans well.
  3. Blend the soaked beans with the water until very smooth and creamy. For best results, use a high-speed blender.
  4. Filter the soybean puree through a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth or nut milk bag. Extract as much liquid as possible by pressing and squeezing solids.
  5. Simmer the strained soymilk with pandan leaves for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Stir occasionally.
  6. Add sweetener if desired at this point. Remove pandan leaves before serving.
  7. Cool and store fresh pandan soymilk in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Shake well before using.

Tips and Tricks Cooking Pandan Soymilk

  • Look for vibrant green color and firm texture when selecting fresh pandan leaves. Wilted leaves will make soymilk bitter.
  • Coconut sugar, honey and maple syrup add complementary flavors. Stevia works well for sugar-free.
  • Leftover pandan soymilk keeps for 3 days refrigerated. Freeze for longer storage up to 3 months.
  • Reheat gently on the stovetop or microwave to preserve flavor.
Tips and Tricks Cooking Pandan Soymilk

Health Benefits Of Pandan Soymilk

Pandan soymilk offers some excellent health benefits:

  • Soybeans provide high-quality vegetarian protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and isoflavones.
  • Pandan leaves have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from plant compounds like beta-carotene, catechins and quercetin.
  • The combination can help strengthen immunity, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar levels and benefit heart health.
  • With around 130 calories per cup, unsweetened pandan soymilk is low in fat and can aid weight loss as part of a healthy diet.
  • Soy is usually well-tolerated. Unlike dairy, pandan soymilk is lactose-free making it safe for those with milk allergies.
Health Benefits Of Pandan Soymilk

Conclusion: Pandan Soymilk

Making fresh pandan soymilk at home is easy and rewarding. Soak soybeans, blend, strain, simmer with pandan leaves and sweeten to taste. Pandan and soy create a nourishing beverage with an aromatic, nutty flavor. Enjoy pandan soymilk hot or chilled in shakes, teas, desserts and Asian cuisine for its many health benefits. With some basic ingredients and simple preparation, you can make this tasty Asian plant-based milk beverage in your own kitchen.

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