How To Make Pandan Mango Sticky Rice? | Step By Step Guide

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Pandan Mango Sticky Rice is a beloved Thai dessert that combines sweet sticky rice, creamy coconut milk, and fresh mango. The rice is flavored and colored bright green by pandan leaves, giving this treat its signature hue. The sweet, savory, and fragrant medley is simply irresistible! This recipe will teach you how to make authentic Pandan Mango Sticky Rice from scratch. We’ll cover all the essential ingredients, handy tips and tricks, and step-by-step instructions so you can make this tasty dessert at home. By the end, you’ll be an expert at crafting this Thai favorite. Let’s get started.

What Makes Pandan Mango Sticky Rice So Special?

What Makes Pandan Mango Sticky Rice So Special?

Pandan Mango Sticky Rice is special because of its diverse mix of flavors and textures. The pillowy soft rice offers a chewy, satisfying contrast to the tropical mango slices. The coconut milk adds a rich, creamy element that brings everything together. Finally, the floral pandan leaves provide exotic fragrance and natural green coloring. When these components come together, it’s simply culinary magic! The interplay of flavors and textures is what makes this dessert so crave-worthy. It’s truly a treat for the senses.

Why is Pandan Mango Sticky Rice a Popular Thai Dessert?

Pandan Mango Sticky Rice has become a quintessential Thai dessert and a beloved treat across Southeast Asia for several key reasons:

  • Simple ingredients – The dish only requires a few easy-to-find ingredients like sweet rice, coconut milk, mangoes, and pandan leaf.
  • Sweet flavor – The coconut milk and ripe mango provide a sweet, satisfying taste.
  • Decadent texture – The rice soaks up the coconut milk to become soft and sticky, contrasting the juicy mango chunks.
  • Bright color – Pandan leaf gives the rice an eye-catching green color.
  • Fragrant aroma – Pandan also infuses the rice with its lovely floral aroma.

For these reasons, Pandan Mango Sticky Rice has broad appeal across generations as the perfect after-meal treat.

Ingredients for Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Ingredients for Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Pandan Mango Sticky Rice requires just a few simple ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

Essential Ingredients

Item Amount
Sweet glutinous rice 250g
Coconut cream 300ml
Pandan leaves 4 leaves
Salt 1 pinch
Ripe mango 1 large

Optional Toppings

  • Toasted sesame seeds
  • Shredded coconut
  • Crushed peanuts
  • Fresh mint leaves.

Instructions for Making Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Follow these simple steps to prepare authentic Pandan Mango Sticky Rice at home.

  1. Rinse 250g sweet rice until water runs clear.
  2. Soak rice in water for 2-4 hours. This allows rice to absorb liquid and become tender.
  3. Wash 4 pandan leaves and wipe clean.
  4. Tie leaves in knot and bruise gently with a mortar and pestle or blunt object. This releases flavor and color.
  5. Cut leaves into 2 inch pieces.
  6. Drain soaked rice and add to a pot with 300ml coconut cream and pinch of salt.
  7. Add pandan leaves.
  8. Bring mixture to a gentle boil over medium heat.
  9. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until rice softens and absorbs cream.
  10. Remove from heat and let sit covered for 10 minutes to continue steaming.
  11. Discard pandan leaves. Gently stir rice to fluff.
  12. Slice 1 large ripe mango.
  13. Spoon rice onto plates. Arrange mango slices on top.
  14. Garnish with optional toppings like sesame seeds, coconut, peanuts or mint.

Tips and Tricks for Making Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Use these handy tips for perfect Pandan Mango Sticky Rice every time.

Maximizing Pandan Color and Aroma

  • Use more leaves for intense color and fragrance. But don’t overdo it! The flavor can become unpleasantly grassy.
  • Freeze leaves beforehand to help release juices and oils during cooking.
  • Simmer pandan leaves longer to infuse more flavor into the rice.

Getting the Rice Texture Right

  • Soaking time can vary based on type of rice used. Test grains after soaking to ensure they are softening properly before cooking.
  • Check rice toward the end of steaming. The rice should be completely tender but still retain its shape.
  • Be gentle when fluffing rice after cooking so grains remain intact.
  • Resting steamed rice helps further soften and improve texture.

Serving Suggestions Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Serving Suggestions Pandan Mango Sticky Rice
  • Top with toasted coconut or sesame seeds for added crunch.
  • Squeeze lime juice over mango for a tangy twist.
  • Drizzle with chocolate or caramel sauce for greater indulgence.
  • Scatter crushed peanuts on top for a nutty accent.
  • Accompany with ice cream for a fun dessert mash-up!

Storing Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

  • Fully cool rice before storing to prevent spoilage.
  • Refrigerate in airtight container up to 4 days.
  • Rice texture may harden after refrigeration. Simply microwave briefly or steam again before serving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use other fruits instead of mango?

While mango is traditional, other fruits can work too. Good alternatives include lychee, pineapple, banana, jackfruit, or even berries. Adjust sweetness of coconut milk based on ripeness of fruit.

Why is it important to soak the rice?

Soaking allows rice grains to fully hydrate and soften. This gives the cooked rice its soft, sticky texture. Skipping soaking results in undercooked, crunchy rice.

Are there any other variations of this dessert?

Many Southeast Asian regions have similar sticky rice dishes often flavored with local ingredients. Some examples are coconut sticky rice from Thailand, biko from the Philippines, and nyonya kuih from Malaysia.

Conclusion: Pandan Mango Sticky Rice

Pandan Mango Sticky Rice is the ultimate Southeast Asian comfort food. The harmony of flavors, colors, and textures make this dessert an incredible treat. With this easy recipe, you can now create restaurant-quality Pandan Mango Sticky Rice in your own kitchen.

Impress family and friends with this iconic Thai dessert. Have fun trying the suggested toppings and serving variations too. Let us know how your Pandan Mango Sticky Rice turns out by sharing photos! Our bet is that it will be your new favorite after-dinner indulgence.

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