Pandan Bánh Bò (Vietnamese Steamed Rice Cake) Recipe

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Pandan Bánh Bò is a beloved Vietnamese dessert distinguished by its bright green color and signature pandan flavor. This aromatic and subtly sweet rice flour cake is a staple at Lunar New Year celebrations and other festive occasions. The use of pandan sets Pandan Bánh Bò apart from other Vietnamese sweets and gives it cultural significance. Pandan Bánh Bò differs from treats like bánh chưng or bánh tét, which are savory glutinous rice cakes. While those rice cakes are filled with mung beans, pork, and other ingredients, Pandan Bánh Bò highlights the floral pandan flavor. It has a soft, spongy texture similar to chiffon or angel food cake.

Ingredients and Preparation For Pandan Bánh Bò

Ingredients and Preparation For Pandan Bánh Bò

Pandan Bánh Bò relies on a few simple ingredients to achieve its signature flavor, color, and light texture.

Essential Ingredients

  • Rice flour – The main ingredient that gives the cake its soft, spongy texture
  • Pandan juice – Extracted from fresh leaves to lend color and fragrance
  • Coconut milk – Provides creamy texture and flavor
  • Sugar – For sweetness to balance the subtle pandan
  • Baking powder – Helps the cake rise without egg yolks

Extracting Pandan Juice

  • Wash and trim fresh pandan leaves
  • Process leaves with some water in blender
  • Strain through sieve or cheesecloth
  • Press leaves to extract as much green juice as possible
  • Measure out juice for recipe

Tips for Smooth, Consistent Batter

  • Sift dry ingredients together thoroughly
  • Mix wet ingredients in separate bowl until smooth
  • Fold wet mixture into dry ingredients gently
  • Avoid over-mixing to prevent gluten formation
  • Lightly grease or oil cake pans
  • Tap pans to release air bubbles.

Traditional Pandan Bánh Bò Recipe

This classic recipe yields the quintessential version with bright green color and springy texture.


  • 3⁄4 cup pandan juice
  • 11⁄2 cups coconut milk
  • 11⁄2 cups rice flour
  • 3⁄4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

Step By Step Guide

  1. Extract pandan juice and strain out solids
  2. Whisk together coconut milk and pandan juice
  3. Sift rice flour, sugar, and baking powder
  4. Fold wet mixture into dry ingredients
  5. Pour batter into greased pan
  6. Bake at 350°F for 45 mins or until toothpick comes out clean
  7. Cool completely before slicing

Achieving Perfect Color and Texture

  • Use enough pandan juice for vivid color
  • Don’t overmix batter to maintain air bubbles
  • Allow cake to cool fully to set spongy texture
  • Use serrated knife to slice cake cleanly

Creative Flavor Ideas

  • Add 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Sprinkle with shredded coconut
  • Layer with swiss buttercream
  • Fill with custard or whipped cream
  • Top with fresh fruit like mango or lychee

Modern Pandan Bánh Bò Variations

Pandan Bánh Bò (Vietnamese Steamed Rice Cake)
Modern Pandan Bánh Bò Variations

While traditional recipes remain popular, modern bakers have created inventive variations.

Pandan Chiffon Cake

The extremely light and airy texture comes from:

  • Whipped egg whites folded into batter
  • Oil instead of coconut milk
  • Extra baking powder for rise
  • Baked in a tube pan

Pandan Pudding

Pudding has a creamy, custard-like texture from:

  • Eggs and egg yolks
  • Evaporated milk for richness
  • Omitted baking powder and rice flour
  • Gelatin helps solidify pudding
  • Unmolded and chilled before serving.

How to Serve Pandan Bánh Bò?

Pandan Bánh Bò is commonly served:

  • In small cubes as a snack
  • In slices with tea or coffee
  • Layered with ice cream or sweet toppings
  • As an decorative addition to fruit plates

Some creative serving suggestions:

  • French toast with pandan custard
  • Pandan ice cream sandwiches
  • Tres leches cake soaked in pandan syrup
  • Coconut parfaits layered with pandan jelly

Tea and coffee both complement Pandan Bánh Bò well. For drinks, try:

  • Iced pandan tea
  • Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk
  • Thai tea
  • Fruit smoothies or shakes.
How to Serve Pandan Bánh Bò?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you substitute pandan extract with pandan leaves?

Yes, fresh pandan leaves can be blended and strained to extract the flavor and color needed.

What makes the texture of Pandan Bánh Bò so unique?

The glutinous rice flour gives it an irresistibly chewy, bouncy texture that contrasts nicely with crispy toppings.

What toppings go well with Pandan Bánh Bò?

Some delicious toppings are:

  • Toasted coconut flakes
  • Sesame seeds
  • Crushed peanuts
  • Grated coconut
  • Fresh fruit like mango or pineapple

How does Pandan Bánh Bò compare to similar treats in Southeast Asia?

It is quite similar to the Filipino rice cake puto pandan but generally has a stronger pandan flavor. It is also comparable to Thai khanom chan, though the green color comes from food coloring rather than pandan.

Conclusion: Pandan Bánh Bò

With its gorgeous hue and tempting floral fragrance, Pandan Bánh Bò is a treat for the senses. Making the cake is simple with just a few ingredients and easy steps. Extracting and using pandan juice is vital for both vivid color and signature flavor. Modern twists like chiffon cakes and puddings riff on the classic dessert. Pandan Bánh Bò is versatile to serve and pair with beverages. This unique Vietnamese sweet is a must-try baking adventure. The alluring aromas and alluring flavors will have you coming back to enjoy Pandan Bánh Bò again and again. Try your hand at this iconic dessert soon.

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