How To Make Steamed Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes?

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Okinawan purple sweet potatoes are a vibrantly colored root vegetable originating from the islands of Okinawa, Japan. With their deep purple flesh and sweet chestnut-like flavor, these potatoes offer a nutritious and delicious alternative to standard orange sweet potatoes. Okinawan purple sweet potatoes are chock full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can benefit health in numerous ways. They are packed with anthocyanins, the natural plant pigments that give them their stunning hue. Anthocyanins have been linked to reduced blood pressure, lower cancer risk, and anti-aging effects. These potatoes also contain high levels of vitamin C and fiber. With their amazing nutrient profile and versatility in cooking, Okinawan purple sweet potatoes are a unique ingredient worth trying. Read on to learn more about selecting, preparing, and enjoying this spectacular spud.

Benefits Of Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Benefits Of Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes, also known as Japanese purple sweet potatoes or “Beni Imo,” are not only delicious but also packed with health benefits. Here are some key reasons why they are a great addition to your diet:

Rich in Antioxidants

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes are high in anthocyanins, the antioxidants responsible for their vibrant color. These antioxidants help combat free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

High in Fiber

These sweet potatoes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, helps maintain healthy bowel movements, and can assist in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness.


They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. Vitamin A is crucial for eye health, while vitamin C supports the immune system and skin health. Potassium is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

Supports Heart Health

The high fiber content and presence of potassium in Okinawan purple sweet potatoes can contribute to heart health by helping to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Additionally, the anthocyanins have been shown to improve cardiovascular health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The antioxidants and vitamins in these sweet potatoes have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. This is beneficial for preventing and managing conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Low Glycemic Index

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, which means they cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels. This makes them a good option for people with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

Eye Health

The high levels of vitamin A in Okinawan purple sweet potatoes support good vision and overall eye health, helping to prevent conditions such as night blindness and age-related macular degeneration.

Versatile and Delicious

Beyond their health benefits, Okinawan purple sweet potatoes are versatile in the kitchen. They can be steamed, baked, mashed, or used in desserts, making it easy to incorporate them into various meals.

Choosing the Right Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Choosing the Right Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

When shopping for Okinawan purple sweet potatoes, look for tubers that are smooth and firm with evenly distributed coloration. Avoid any potatoes that are shriveled, cracked, or bruised, as this indicates damage and decay. The skin should be taut and vividly purple, not dull or faded. Size is less important than freshness and quality.

At their peak, Okinawan purple sweet potatoes will feel heavy for their size and emit a sweet, nutty aroma. Fresh potatoes will have a bit of give when gently squeezed but shouldn’t feel mushy or soft. Discoloration or mold around the ends are also signs that a potato is past its prime.

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes can be found at specialty grocers or well-stocked supermarkets, often in the Asian food section. Try looking for them at farmers markets as well during peak seasonal availability. Store fresh potatoes in a cool, dark place and try to use within 2-3 weeks.

Preparing Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Preparing Okinawan purple sweet potatoes is simple. Start by washing the potatoes under running water and gently scrubbing the skin to remove any dirt. Use a vegetable brush if needed.

Peel the potatoes before cooking if you desire a smoother texture. However, the nutrient-rich skin can be eaten if the potatoes are organic. Use a sharp knife or peeler to remove both the thin outer skin and the fibrous layer just beneath it.

Cut the peeled or unpeeled potatoes into uniform 1-2 inch chunks, slices, wedges or cubes to ensure even cooking. Keep a bowl of water handy to place the prepped potatoes in order to prevent browning.

Now the potatoes are ready for steaming, roasting, boiling, or using in recipes. Continue reading for directions on the best cooking methods.

Steaming Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Steaming is a simple, healthy way to cook Okinawan purple sweet potatoes that preserves maximum nutrients. Here’s a foolproof method:

Add 1 inch of water to a pot fitted with a steamer basket. Bring the water to a boil. Add potato chunks to the basket in a single layer, leaving some space between pieces.

Cover and steam for 15-20 minutes, until potatoes are fork tender but not falling apart. Check doneness by piercing with a knife. If it slides in easily, they’re done.

Steaming times may vary based on the size and quantity of potatoes. Chunks should be approximately the same size for even cooking. Avoid overcrowding the steamer basket.

Let potatoes cool slightly before handling. Enjoy them warm or allow them to come to room temperature and refrigerate in an airtight container for later use.

How Do I Cut Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes?

Place the sweet potato on a cutting board. For even cooking, cut the potatoes into uniform pieces. Here are some options:

  • Cubes: Ideal for faster cooking. Cut the potatoes into 1 to 2-inch cubes.
  • Slices: Cut into ½-inch thick rounds if you prefer a quicker steaming process.
  • Wedges: Cut the potato in half lengthwise, then each half into wedges. This is good for a softer inside and a bit of a bite.

Try to make the pieces as even as possible to ensure they all cook at the same rate.

How Long Should I Steam Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes?

The steaming time for Okinawan purple sweet potatoes can vary depending on the size and thickness of the cuts you’ve made. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Cubes (1 to 2 inches): Steam for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Slices (½-inch thick): Steam for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wedges or halves: Steam for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Always check for doneness by piercing a piece with a fork or knife. The sweet potatoes are ready when they are tender and easy to pierce. If they aren’t soft enough, continue steaming for a few more minutes and check again.

Serving Suggestions for Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Serving Suggestions for Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

Steamed Okinawan purple sweet potatoes make a simple, nutritious side dish, but they also shine when incorporated into a variety of sweet and savory recipes.

For breakfast, try topping steamed chunks with greek yogurt, pecans, and a drizzle of maple syrup. Or add them to smoothie bowls or breakfast hash.

At lunch, enjoy them in grain bowls or as the base for veggie-packed buddha bowls. Or blend them into soups for a pop of color and nutrients.

For dinner, mash them with garlic for a vibrant take on mashed potatoes or stuff them into tacos or quesadillas. Roasted Okinawan sweet potato fries make an addictive snack or side.

In desserts, use steamed and mashed Okinawan sweet potatoes as the base for muffins, quick breads, or even cupcakes. Their natural sweetness needs little added sugar.

However you choose to enjoy them, Okinawan purple sweet potatoes provide wholesome flavor and impressive health benefits. Let their vibrance brighten up your kitchen!

Question Generation

Where can I find Okinawan purple sweet potatoes in my area?

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes can often be found in the produce or Asian foods section of well-stocked grocery stores. Check farmers markets and Asian specialty grocers. Availability may depend on your location and time of year.

Can I add toppings to Okinawan purple sweet potatoes?

Okinawan purple sweet potatoes pair well with many toppings! Try yogurt, nuts, maple syrup, eggs, cheese, salsa, bean sprouts, avocado, or greens.

What are some reasons to try Okinawan purple sweet potatoes?

Reasons to try them include taking advantage of their unique nutrients, exploring a new flavor and texture, brightening up mealtime with their vibrant color, and reaping the anti-aging and health promoting compounds they contain.

Conclusion: Okinawan Purple Sweet Potatoes

With their brilliant purple hues and sweet, earthy flavor, Okinawan purple sweet potatoes make a colorful and healthy addition to any diet. Steaming brings out their best texture and taste. These antioxidant-rich tubers can then be enjoyed in both sweet and savory dishes for a kick of extra nutrition. For anyone looking to explore new flavors and superfoods, the Okinawan purple sweet potato is a winner. Let it bring a new dimension of vibrance to your plate.

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