Simple Guide Recipe: Grilled Dried Squid (Mực khô nướng)

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Grilled dried squid (Mực khô nướng) is a popular snack food across many Asian countries that offers a uniquely addictive flavor and texture experience. This savory seafood treat has a long and storied history intertwined with coastal cultures. Learn all about grilled dried squid’s origins, preparation, cultural importance, where to buy it, recipes, and more in this in-depth guide.

What Makes Grilled Dried Squid A Unique And Captivating Snack?

What Makes Grilled Dried Squid A Unique And Captivating Snack?
What Makes Grilled Dried Squid A Unique And Captivating Snack?

Grilled dried squid, also known as ojingeo-gui (Korean), ika-yaki (Japanese), or jian youyu (Chinese), is prized for its satisfying crunch and powerfully savory, umami-rich taste. The drying and grilling process concentrates the natural seafood flavors of the squid, creating chewy textures and caramelized surfaces that are irresistible to snackers. This moreish combination of flavor and crunch makes grilled dried squid a singularly addictive snack food.

What Are Some Common Names For Grilled Dried Squid Across Different Cultures?

Country Common Names for Grilled Dried Squid
Korea ojingeo-gui, ojingeo-ranjeot
Japan ika-yaki
China jian youyu
Thailand kapi pla muk yat sai
Vietnam mực khô rang muối

Across Asia, grilled dried squid goes by many appetizing names tied to local languages and food traditions.

How Far Back Do The Origins Of Dried Squid Grilling Go?

The practice of eating dried seafood like squid and fish has existed for thousands of years in coastal Asian nations. Drying was an effective preservation method that allowed storage and transportation. Grilling enhanced the flavors and textures of rehydrated dried squid. Archaeological evidence from Japan suggests consumption of dried and grilled fish and squid as early as the Jōmon period, over 12,000 years ago!

The Process of Making Grilled Dried Squid

What are the essential steps involved in drying squid?

  • Fresh squid is cleaned, cut open, sliced, and flattened
  • Squid slices are stacked in bamboo trays and sun-dried outdoors for days
  • Constant airflow and sun exposure remove moisture from the squid
  • Once fully dried, the squid slices are roasted or toasted
  • This caramelizes the proteins and sugars, enhancing flavor

Proper drying and curing concentrates flavor compounds in the squid while preserving it.

Why is the drying process crucial to the flavor and texture of dried squid?

The low heat drying process:

  • Removes water content from the squid, firming up the texture
  • Allows natural glutamates and nucleotides to develop, increasing savory umami flavors
  • Intensifies taste as compounds become more concentrated
  • Caramelizes amino acids and sugars, adding depth of flavor
  • Preserves the squid by inhibiting microbial growth

Drying transforms the squid both texturally and in taste.

How is dried squid typically grilled? What kind of grill is used?

  • Dried squid is grilled over an open flame or on a hot griddle
  • Long chopsticks are used to flip and stir the thin squid slices
  • Small portable braziers allow street vendors to grill squid anywhere
  • At home, it can be cooked on the stove in a cast iron grill pan
  • Direct high heat chars the exterior, amplifying flavor

What techniques are used to achieve the perfect crispy texture?

  • Grilling in small batches prevents steaming
  • Constant flipping keeps slices moving for even exposure
  • Coating in oil helps facilitate browning through Maillard reactions
  • Letting rest after grilling allows the crispy texture to set
  • Grinding with mortar & pestle or biting re-crisps the squid

The Flavor of Grilled Dried Squid

What are the main flavor notes of grilled dried squid?

The taste profile of grilled squid comprises:

  • Umami savoriness – Heightened glutamates and nucleotides
  • Saltiness – Drying concentrates natural salts
  • Sweetness – Caramelized sugars add subtle sweetness
  • Char aroma – Grilling imparts smoky, roasted flavors

Together these elements create a complex and craveable flavor.

What unique culinary experience does grilled dried squid offer?

  • Intense savory depth unlike any other snack
  • Satisfying crunch and chew
  • Layering of sweet, salty, and smoky notes
  • Moreish addictiveness encouraging snackers to eat piece after piece!

Grilled dried squid is a singular umami-rich and texturally fascinating snacking experience.

What drinks and foods pair well with the savory, umami flavor?

  • Ice-cold beer or soju provide thirst-quenching balance
  • Salty flavors like kimchi, fish sauce, and soy accentuate the umami
  • Herbs and greens like shiso, perilla, and lettuce cut the richness
  • Starchy carbs like rice cakes soak up the savory juices

Savory grilled squid calls for equally intense flavor pairings.

Cultural Significance of Grilled Dried Squid

Cultural Significance of Grilled Dried Squid
Cultural Significance of Grilled Dried Squid

How is grilled dried squid prepared and enjoyed in different Asian countries?


  • Sold by street vendors as ojingeo-gui or ojingeo-ranjeot
  • Often paired with beer and anju (drinking snacks)
  • Popular filling for kimbap rolls


  • Called ika-yaki (grilled squid) as a popular izakaya dish
  • Seasoned with soy sauce, spices, and mayonnaise
  • Part of the casual drinking culture


  • Known as jian youyu (grilled squid) or you jian mian (squid crackers)
  • An iconic Shandong and coastal Chinese snack
  • Served with garlic, chilies, cilantro and dipping sauces


  • Eaten as kapi pla muk yat sai (grilled dried squid)
  • Flavored with herbs, chilies, lime, and shrimp paste
  • Often sold by markets and street stalls

Are there any cultural traditions or rituals associated with grilled dried squid?

  • In Korea, eating ojingeo-gui with makgeolli rice wine is a traditional pairing
  • Japanese salarymen frequently eat ika-yaki with drinks as an izakaya pub snack
  • Grilled squid street carts are iconic fixtures of night markets across Asia
  • The Chinese annually celebrate the Qingdao International Beer Festival featuring jian youyu

Throughout Asia, grilled dried squid is integrally linked with alcohol and the culture of snacking and street food.

Why is grilled dried squid experiencing a surge in popularity in modern times?

Several factors explain the growing love for grilled squid:

  • Appreciation of bold umami flavors – People crave intense savory tastes
  • Rise of Korean culture – K-food like ojingeo-gui is “in” now
  • Snack food convenience – Grilled squid satisfies quick snack cravings
  • Nostalgia and authenticity – It represents traditional foodways

Grilled squid’s addictive taste and cultural significance make it an iconic modern snack.

Where to Find Grilled Dried Squid?

Where to Find Grilled Dried Squid?
Where to Find Grilled Dried Squid?

What are some good grocery stores to find dried squid?

  • Asian supermarkets like H Mart or 99 Ranch Market
  • Seafood-focused stores may have dried seafood sections
  • International or gourmet markets with Asian ingredients
  • Online sellers like Amazon, Yamibuy, Sayweee, and Weee

The best selection and pricing will be at dedicated Asian grocery stores.

What kind of variety and selection can be found in different stores?

Selection can vary tremendously:

  • Asian grocers have many brands and cuts (rings, sticks, slices)
  • International markets may have fewer options
  • Online retailers offer excellent variety of Asian products
  • Read product details closely for cut, style, and origin

For peak selection, shop at a large Asian supermarket or an online Asian specialty seller.

Recipes and Cooking Tips

How can I grill dried squid at home?

It’s easy to DIY grilled squid at home with a simple stovetop method:

  1. Soak dried squid in warm water for 30 minutes to rehydrate.
  2. Pat very dry with paper towels.
  3. Coat squid pieces lightly in vegetable oil.
  4. Cook in a hot cast iron pan or grill pan over high heat.
  5. Keep stirring and flipping frequently until lightly charred.
  6. Optionally season with salt, pepper, garlic, chili flakes, etc.
  7. Serve immediately or let cool and store in an airtight container.

What marinades and seasonings enhance the flavor of grilled dried squid?

  • Soy sauce – For salty, savory umami punch
  • Gochujang – For a spicy Korean kick
  • Miso – Boosts umami and adds sweetness
  • Oyster sauce – Adds intense meaty flavors
  • Sesame oil – Nutty aroma and flavor
  • Rice vinegar – Bright acidity to cut richness

Experiment with marinades and spice rubs for your own signature flavors!

What are some creative ways to use grilled dried squid in different dishes?

Get creative with grilled squid beyond just snacking:

  • Sprinkle over noodle bowls and rice dishes
  • Include in lettuce wraps and bao sandwiches
  • Top pizzas, nachos, fries for umami crunch
  • Toss through salads for texture and flavor
  • Mix into pasta sauces for a seafood kick
  • Fold into omelets, quiches, and egg dishes
  • Use as a taco, banh mi, or burger topping

Let grilled dried squid amplify flavors and textures in all kinds of recipes!


Grilled dried squid is a uniquely delicious and culturally significant Asian specialty snack. This satisfying umami bomb exemplifies the incredible depth of flavor that simple drying and grilling methods can achieve. Seek out grilled dried squid at Asian grocery stores and specialty food shops or make your own easy version at home. However you enjoy it, this moreish snack is sure to provide irresistible savory crunch and intense taste that will leave you craving more. Give grilled dried squid a try and discover an amazing new Asian snack tradition for yourself.

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