How To Eat Hột Vịt Lộn (Fertilized Duck Eggs): Cheen Huaye

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Hột Vịt Lộn is a popular Filipino street food consisting of a nearly developed embryonic egg, usually from a duck or chicken. The egg is boiled and eaten directly from the shell. To eat balut, you crack open the top of the cooked egg shell and sip the broth inside before removing the rest of the shell. The embryo will be nearly fully formed, and the yolk should still be soft or partially liquid. Balut is eaten by biting off pieces of the chick along with mouthfuls of the yolk. Find out how to eat Hột Vịt Lộn right in the article – join us to find out now.

What Does Hột Vịt Lộn Mean?

What Does Hột Vịt Lộn Mean?

Hột vịt lộn (pronounced “hot vit lon”) is a Vietnamese dish made from fertilized duck eggs that are boiled and eaten. The dish is considered a delicacy in Vietnam and some other parts of Southeast Asia. The eggs are typically eaten while still warm, sometimes dipped in a spicy seasoning. The texture and flavor is quite unique. Some people find it delicious, while others are put off by the idea of eating a partially developed duck embryo. It’s an adventurous food that takes an open mind to appreciate.

How to Cook Hột Vịt Lộn?

How to Cook Hột Vịt Lộn?

Balut is simple to prepare. Here are some tips for cooking balut to perfection:

Boiling Hột Vịt Lộn

  • Use a large pot and bring water to a rolling boil.
  • Gently place eggs in the water and continue boiling for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cooking time will vary based on size and embryo development.
  • Balut is ready when the shell is cracked but still pliable.

Steaming Hột Vịt Lộn

  • Place eggs in a steamer basket or bamboo steamer.
  • Steam for 15-20 minutes over rapidly boiling water.
  • Check frequently and remove once eggs are cooked through.

No matter which cooking method you use, avoid overcooking as this will make the balut tough and rubbery. Cook just until the embryo and yolk are warmed through and firm.

How to Eat Hột Vịt Lộn?

Eating balut takes a little skill but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. Here are some tips:

Choosing Your Balut

  • Look for eggs that feel heavy and shake slightly – this means the embryo has developed.
  • Avoid cracked eggs or eggs that feel very light.
  • Pick balut eggs that have been cooked recently for optimal freshness.

Opening the Egg

  • Tap the top of the egg lightly to create cracks in the shell.
  • Make a small hole and sip the warm broth inside.
  • Continue cracking the top half of the shell open.
  • Remove any stray bits of shell.

Eating the Balut

  • Season with salt, pepper, vinegar, chili, etc according to taste.
  • Eat the yolk first – it should be soft like a hard-boiled egg yolk.
  • Remove the embryo and eat it either whole or in bites.
  • The embryo will look like a small chick, with bones, feathers, beak, etc.
  • You can also eat the remaining egg white lining the shell.

Tips For Hột Vịt Lộn Newbies

  • Try balut that is 14-16 days old if you’re squeamish about eating the embryo. At this stage, there will only be a small chick inside.
  • Eat it straight from the shell to avoid looking at the embryo if it bothers you.
  • Drink beer, coconut juice, or soda with your balut.

Balut Myths and Facts

Balut Myths and Facts

Balut has been both celebrated and misunderstood. Here are some common myths and realities about this unique food:

Myth Fact
Balut contains a fully developed duckling The embryo inside is only partially developed and nowhere near ready to hatch.
It is illegal or taboo in the Philippines Balut is completely legal and widely enjoyed in the Philippines.
Balut tastes bad It has a mild savory flavor similar to broth and hard-boiled egg yolk. The embryo is tender with a meaty texture.
Only the daredevils eat balut It is considered a common snack for all ages and sold widely from street stalls.
Balut is not healthy Balut is high in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B2 and B12.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does balut taste good?

The broth is savory and the yolk is just like a hard-boiled egg. The embryo has a mild duck flavor with a firm, chewy texture. Overall, balut tastes great!

What is the texture of balut?

The broth is like a savory soup. The yolk is creamy and the embryo is tender but chewy. The textures blend together nicely in one package.

What are some popular balut recipes?

  • Balut eggs and tomatoes – Balut served over sliced tomatoes and spiced with chili peppers.
  • Balut salads – Chopped balut mixed with vegetables like shredded papaya or green mangoes.
  • Balut omelets – Diced balut fried with onions and eggs.

How does balut compare to other exotic foods?

It’s much tamer than century eggs or snake wine. The embryo has a milder flavor than duck meat. Balut is a soft introduction to unusual foods.

Conclusion: Hột Vịt Lộn

Balut is a tasty snack with a long cultural tradition in Southeast Asia. Its broth makes a nutritious drink while the yolk and embryo offer soft and meaty textures. While eating partially incubated eggs may seem intimidating, balut has a mild savory flavor worth trying. With an open mind and a sense of adventure, balut can be an enjoyable new food experience. The next time you travel in the Philippines or Vietnam, grab a balut from a street stall and eat like a local.

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