Fresh Coconut Jelly (Thạch dừa) recipe | Healthy Dessert

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Fresh coconut jelly, a culinary marvel that effortlessly combines tropical allure with exquisite taste and nutrition. With a rich heritage spanning Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, coconut jelly is not just a treat; it’s a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of these cultures. Discover the secrets behind creating a flawless fresh coconut jelly and learn why this versatile dessert is quickly becoming a favorite among food lovers worldwide. In this article, we delve deep into the intricate process of crafting this refreshing dessert, from selecting the perfect coconuts to achieving the ideal texture and flavor balance.

What is Fresh Coconut Jelly (Thạch dừa)?

Overview of Fresh Coconut Jelly
Overview of Fresh Coconut Jelly

Fresh Coconut Jelly is a popular traditional dessert originating from Southeast Asia made from the juice and meat of fresh young coconuts. Its main ingredients are just two: coconut water and coconut meat. This simple jelly dessert is naturally sweet, refreshing, and bursting with coconut flavor.

Fresh Coconut Jelly is a staple snack and dessert in many Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is commonly sold by street food vendors and enjoyed as a cooling treat on hot days. The jelly has a soft, wobbly texture and is often served in cubes drizzled with sweetened coconut milk.

What makes Fresh Coconut Jelly so popular?

Here are some reasons why people love this classic Southeast Asian treat:

  • It’s naturally sweet and refreshing, with no added sugar needed
  • The soft, wobbly texture is fun to eat
  • Intense fresh coconut flavor
  • Perfect for hot and humid weather
  • Healthy ingredients with electrolytes and nutrients
  • Easy to make at home

Coconut Jelly Fun Facts

Let’s explore some fascinating history and fun facts about everyone’s favorite wobbly coconut treat!

Coconut jelly history

  • Originated as a street food in Southeast Asia centuries ago
  • Made from abundant local ingredients: coconuts and agar seaweed
  • Creative reuse of coconut byproduct after extracting coconut milk/oil
  • Popularized by Chinese immigrants to SEA in 1800s-1900s
  • Remains a traditional snack and dessert across the region

Where is it popular?

  • Thailand – Sold by street vendors as Nam Kathi
  • Vietnam – Called Thốt Nốt Dừa
  • Malaysia – Known as Cendol or Agar-Agar
  • Indonesia – Known as Es Kolang Kaling
  • Singapore – Signature dessert is Cheng Tng

How is it enjoyed?

  • On its own as a refreshing treat
  • With shaved ice as a cooling dessert soup
  • In fruit salads and chilled coconut desserts
  • As colorful jelly cubes in chilled drinks
  • With sweet toppings like palm sugar syrup

Fun coconut facts

  • Coconuts are drupes, not nuts
  • Floating coconuts helped spread species across oceans
  • The cavity milk and meat form is nature’s only pre-filled “bowl”
  • Coconut water has natural electrolytes and antioxidants
  • Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties
  • Coconut tree is called “Tree of Life” for its versatility

About jelly

  • Main gelling agent is agar seaweed extracted powder
  • Agar agar sets at room temperature unlike animal gelatin
  • Coconut meat provides fat, flavor, and cloudy color
  • Chilling allows the jelly to fully set into a wobbly solid
  • Can be adapted into many textures from soft pudding to firm jelly

Health Benefits of Fresh Coconut Jelly

Health Benefits of Thạch dừa (Fresh Coconut Jelly)
Health Benefits of Thạch dừa (Fresh Coconut Jelly)

Beyond tasting great, Fresh Coconut Jelly offers many nutritional health benefits:

Digestive health

  • Contains prebiotic fiber to support gut bacteria
  • Provides hydration from coconut water to aid digestion
  • High electrolyte content helps maintain fluid balance

Immune boosting properties

  • Antioxidants in coconut fight inflammation and cell damage
  • Contains antimicrobial lauric acid to combat infections
  • Electrolytes help body absorb nutrients and flush toxins

Other nutritional benefits

  • High in manganese, copper, selenium, potassium, magnesium
  • No added sugar unlike many jellies and desserts
  • Low glycemic index minimizes blood sugar spikes
  • Meat and water provide energy with carbohydrates and fat

Skin and hair

  • Lauric acid has anti-bacterial effects on skin
  • Coconut oil is very moisturizing for skin and hair
  • Vitamin C promotes collagen production for youthful skin


  • Coconut water provides key electrolytes like potassium
  • More effective than plain water for rehydration
  • Helps replace fluids lost through sweat in hot climates

With all these perks, it’s easy to see why coconut jelly is such a staple snack in tropical Southeast Asia!

Homemade Fresh Coconut Jelly Recipe

To make basic Fresh Coconut Jelly, you only need 2 main ingredients:

  • Young coconut water
  • Young coconut meat

Here is a simple recipe to make Fresh Coconut Jelly at home:


  • 3 cups young coconut water
  • 1 cup young coconut meat
  • 2 tbsp agar agar powder or gelatin
  • 1/4 cup sugar (optional)


  1. Scoop out the soft jelly-like meat from a young Thai coconut. Rinse and drain meat.
  2. Pour 3 cups of coconut water into pot and bring to boil.
  3. Add agar agar powder and whisk until dissolved. Turn down heat to low.
  4. Add coconut meat and optional sugar. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  5. Pour into mold or container. Chill in fridge for at least 2 hours until set.
  6. Once set, cut jelly into cubes or scoop into bowls.
  7. Top with sweetened coconut milk or fruits like mango or jackfruit.

Tips for perfect coconut jelly

  • Use young, green coconuts for the best flavor
  • Simmer agar agar to fully activate gelling properties
  • Chill completely before serving for firm texture
  • Add fruits or sweetened condensed milk as toppings
  • Can use grass jelly powder instead of agar agar
  • Refrigerate leftovers in sealed container up to 5 days

Vegan variation: Omit sugar and use agar agar instead of gelatin.

Cook time: 10 minutes active, 2+ hours chill time

Where to Find Fresh Coconut Jelly?

Want to get your hands on some supremely refreshing coconut jelly? Here are some places to find it:

Asian grocery stores – Check the refrigerated section for ready-to-eat coconut jelly cups

Thai, Vietnamese, or Malaysian restaurants – May have coconut jelly on dessert menus

Specialty online stores – Sell fresh coconut jelly that can be shipped

Farmer’s markets – Look for vendors selling young coconuts to make your own

Make it yourself – Use the recipe above for fresh homemade coconut jelly

Simple dessert ideas

  • Add coconut jelly to fruit and milk puddings
  • Layer jelly with whipped cream or yogurt
  • Top shaved ice desserts with jelly cubes
  • Mix into tropical fruit smoothie bowls
  • Float cubes in iced Thai tea or coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s answer some common questions about enjoying this underrated treat:

Can you use coconut milk?

No, coconut jelly requires the water and meat specifically from young, green coconuts. Coconut milk doesn’t have the right properties to set into a jelly.

What’s the difference from agar-agar jelly?

Agar agar powder is used to make the coconut jelly set. The addition of coconut ingredients gives it a unique flavor and texture compared to plain agar jelly.

Creative uses?

Get creative with coconut jelly in pancakes, chia pudding, ice pops, martini cocktails, and more! It also makes a unique savory addition to dishes like rice porridge.

How does it compare to jello?

Coconut jelly is made from natural ingredients while Jello is full of artificial colors and sweeteners. The flavors are also completely different, with coconut jelly showcasing a fresh, tropical taste.

Conclusion: Fresh Coconut Jelly

To wrap up, Fresh Coconut Jelly is a delicious and refreshing staple snack across Southeast Asia with a fun wobbly texture. Made from just two ingredients – coconut water and meat – it’s naturally sweet and packed with flavor. Coconut jelly is easy to make at home, good for you, and versatile as both a sweet treat or creative recipe addition. With its cooling and hydrating properties, coconut jelly is the perfect way to beat the heat. Share your own recipes using this traditional jelly in new ways. Have you tried coconut jelly before? Let Cheenhuaye know your thoughts on this underrated treat!

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