How To Make Canh Mướp (Vietnamese Luffa Gourd Soup)

Canh Mướp

Canh Mướp (Vietnamese Luffa Gourd Soup) is a unique and popular dish in Vietnamese cuisine. This refreshing soup highlights the subtle flavor of luffa gourd and typically contains simple ingredients like broth, herbs, and protein. Luffa gourd soup is light and brothy, with the mild taste of the gourd taking center stage. The smooth texture complements the savoriness of the broth. It’s a cooling food for hot …

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How to Make Canh Bắp Cải? | Vietnamese Cabbage soup Guide

canh bắp cải recipe

Canh bắp cải, a beloved Vietnamese dish that effortlessly marries simplicity and sophistication. As an essential part of Vietnam’s rich culinary tapestry, this cabbage soup offers more than just a comforting bowl of warmth—it’s a testament to the ingenuity of Vietnamese home cooking. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the origins, nutritional benefits, …

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Master Best Canh Khổ Qua (Vietnamese Bitter Melon) Recipe

Canh Khổ Qua Recipe

Welcome to the world of Canh Khổ Qua, a Vietnamese soup that masterfully balances health benefits with an unforgettable taste experience. At first glance, the star ingredient, bitter melon, may seem intimidating due to its distinct bitterness. However, when prepared with traditional techniques, this humble vegetable transforms into a delicacy cherished in Vietnamese cuisine. In …

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How To Make Súp Măng Cua (Vietnamese Crab and Asparagus Soup)

Súp Măng Cua

Súp Măng Cua is a hearty and flavorful soup that brings together sweet crab meat and tender asparagus in a delicately spiced broth. This classic Vietnamese recipe showcases the freshness of seafood and spring vegetables. The complexity of flavors, from briny crab to grassy asparagus accented by lemongrass, fish sauce, and chili, makes this soup truly special. With a few …

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