Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns Recipe Everyone Will Love

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Welcome to the ultimate guide on crafting the perfect Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns! If you’ve ever been captivated by the delightful crunch and savory goodness of pork belly encased in a pillowy soft bun, you’re in the right place. In this article, Cheenhuaye will unlock the secrets to achieving restaurant-quality pork belly buns right in your kitchen. From expert tips on getting that sought-after crispy skin to creative and mouth-watering fillings that will elevate your buns to the next level, we’ve got you covered. Prepare to impress your taste buds and your guests with these delectable treats. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a culinary novice, our step-by-step instructions and insider tricks will ensure your pork belly buns are nothing short of spectacular. Ready to transform your cooking game? Let’s dive in and discover how to make easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns!

What is Crispy Pork Belly Buns?

Learn about Crispy Pork Belly Buns
Learn about Crispy Pork Belly Buns

Crispy Pork Belly Buns are a popular Asian dish consisting of soft, steamed buns filled with slices of crispy pork belly. The pork belly is typically seasoned and roasted until the skin is crispy and the meat is tender. These buns often include a variety of toppings and fillings to add flavor and texture, such as pickled vegetables, fresh herbs, and various sauces. The combination of the soft bun, crispy pork, and flavorful toppings makes for a delicious and satisfying meal or snack.

What makes these pork belly buns so special?

These succulent pork belly buns are the perfect combination of sweet, salty, savory, and crispy textures in a handheld package. The pork belly is first marinated in a flavorful mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, ginger, and brown sugar, allowing the meat to soak up all the delicious flavors. Then it’s roasted until the fatty layers become melt-in-your-mouth tender with crispy crackling edges. Finally, the fork-tender pork belly is paired with soft steamed buns and topped with crunchy vegetables and tangy hoisin sauce.

What makes this recipe so easy?

This easy crispy pork belly buns recipe requires just a few ingredients and simple steps, making it an accessible weekday dinner or fun weekend project. There’s no complicated techniques needed – just mix up a marinade, roast the pork belly, and assemble the buns. With most of the cooking time hands-off, it’s an easy set-it-and-forget-it meal. Even novice cooks can master these drool-worthy pork belly buns.

Why should I try making easy crispy pork belly buns?

Homemade easy crispy pork belly buns taste far superior to takeout and can be customized to your preferences. You can control the flavors in the marinade, pork doneness, and bun fillings. Making them at home also allows you to source high-quality pork belly and artisanal buns. Finally, wowing your family and friends with homemade pork belly buns is deeply satisfying. This recipe makes for fantastic appetizers at a dinner party or Super Bowl snacks.

Ingredients to make Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns 

Pork Belly

Look for a pork belly slab that has distinct layers of fat and meat. Avoid pieces with an uneven fat-to-meat ratio. The pork belly should have a thick cap of fat on one side to yield ultra-crispy crackling. Fresh, uncut slabs from a butcher provide the best results.
Select pork belly with a bright pink meat color without any grey spots. The fat layers should be bright white. The pork belly should have a mild smell without any off odors. For premium flavor and quality, look for pork belly from pasture-raised heritage breed pigs. Avoid pre-cut or pre-packaged pork belly.


What are some good substitutes for store-bought buns? Steamed wheat or rice flour buns are ideal, but you can also use:

  • King’s Hawaiian rolls
  • Brioche buns
  • Milk bread rolls
  • Leftover pancakes or potato rolls


Consider adding a variety of spices to enhance the flavor of your pork belly marinade. Options include:

  • Five spice powder
  • Smoked paprika
  • Chili flakes
  • Lemongrass
  • Orange zest
  • Fresh thyme or rosemary

These additions can create a more complex and aromatic profile for your dish.

Dipping Sauces

Consider experimenting with different dipping sauces to complement your pork belly buns. Options include:

  • Hoisin sauce
  • Plum sauce
  • Sweet chili sauce
  • Peanut sauce
  • Ponzu sauce
  • Spicy mayo

These sauces can add unique and delicious flavors to your dish.

Instructions to make Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns

Here are the step-by-step to make Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns with guide video and our share:

Marinating the Pork Belly

How long should I marinate the pork belly? For best results, marinate the pork belly overnight or at least 2 hours to let the meat fully absorb all the flavors.

Roasting the Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns

What’s the best temperature and cooking time for roasting easy crispy pork belly buns? Roast the pork belly at 425°F for 30 minutes to crispen the fatty top layer. Then reduce heat to 325°F and continue roasting for 1.5-2 hours until fork-tender.

What are the signs that my pork belly is cooked and crispy? The pork belly is ready when:

  • It reaches an internal temperature of 195°F
  • The meat pulls apart easily with a fork
  • The fat cap is a deep golden brown and bubbly crispy

Assembling the Buns

What’s the best way to assemble the buns?

  1. Slice the roasted pork belly into 1/4 inch thick pieces
  2. Steam or toast the bun
  3. Spread 1 tbsp hoisin sauce on each bun half
  4. Top with 3-4 slices of pork belly
  5. Add sliced pickled vegetables like carrots, daikon, cucumber
  6. Finish with cilantro sprigs, scallions, and extra sauce

Tips & Tricks to make Crispy Pork Belly Buns perfectly

Tips & Tricks to make Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns
Tips & Tricks to make Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns

How to Achieve Crispy Pork Belly?

  • If your pork belly isn’t crispy enough, increase the oven temperature to 450°F and roast for an additional 10 minutes. This should help the skin become crispier.
  • Broiling the pork belly at the end of cooking can also help render extra fat and add crispiness to the skin.

Creative Fillings for Pork Belly Buns:

To add more flavor and texture to your pork belly buns, consider incorporating these ingredients:

  • Kimchi: Adds a spicy, tangy flavor.
  • Radishes: Provide a crisp and peppery bite.
  • Jalapeños: For a spicy kick.
  • Bean sprouts: Add a fresh and crunchy texture.
  • Shredded cabbage: Offers a crunchy and slightly sweet taste.
  • Carrots: Bring sweetness and crunch.
  • Cucumber: Adds a refreshing and cool contrast.

Storing Leftover Pork Belly Buns

  • Assembled pork belly buns can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  • Roasted pork belly alone can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.
  • Buns can be frozen to maintain freshness. Reheat the buns before serving to enjoy them at their best.

FAQs: Pork Belly

Can I substitute store-bought buns for homemade ones?

Yes, store-bought buns like King’s Hawaiian rolls or brioche buns can be used instead of homemade buns. Steam or toast them before using to achieve a soft texture.

What’s the best way to ensure crispy pork belly?

Roasting the pork belly at a high temperature for 30 minutes helps render the fat and crisp the skin. Letting it rest after also allows the crispy layer to set.

Are there any other popular sauces for pork belly buns?

Some other common sauces are hoisin, sriracha mayo, plum sauce, and sweet & sour sauce. Experiment with your favorite flavored mayos or Asian sauces.

What’s the main difference between roasting and baking?

Roasting uses higher heat to brown the exterior while baking gently cooks the interior. Roasting renders fat better for crispy pork belly. Baking may result in a less crispy skin.

Conclusion: Easy Crispy Pork Belly Buns

These melt-in-your-mouth easy crispy pork belly buns are an absolute must-try recipe for any food lover. With just a few ingredients and easy steps, you’ll have restaurant-worthy buns ready in just over 2 hours – most of it hands-off roasting time. Customize the marinade and fillings to make them your own. Impress your friends and family with homemade pork belly buns using this foolproof method. The combination of juicy, fork-tender pork belly, sweet hoisin sauce, and soft steamed buns is simply irresistible. Master this recipe, and these belly-busting buns will become a go-to favorite.

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