How To Make Air fryer Dynamite Mussels | Step-By-Step Guide

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Air fryer Dynamite Mussels offer a unique and flavorful way to enjoy fresh mussels at home. This recipe delivers all the succulent, garlicky, spicy goodness of traditional dynamite mussels, but without the frying or extra calories. Home cooks will love that cooking the mussels in an air fryer gives them a deliciously crispy, panko-breaded exterior while keeping the insides tender and juicy. The air fryer also reduces the mess and splatter that can come from frying in a pot of oil. Home cooks looking for an exciting new way to enjoy mussels will absolutely love this recipe. The hands-off cooking method produces tender, juicy mussels smothered in an addictive chili garlic sauce. Keep reading to learn how to make this dynamite dish.

Why Cook Dynamite Mussels In An Air Fryer?

Why Cook Dynamite Mussels In An Air Fryer?

Here are some potential benefits of cooking dynamite mussels in an air fryer:

  • Quick and easy cooking – Air fryers cook food very quickly. Dynamite mussels can be cooked in an air fryer in just 5-10 minutes. This makes preparing them very fast and convenient.
  • Crispy texture – The hot air circulation in an air fryer can help create a crispy, crunchy texture on the outside of the mussels while keeping the inside tender. This adds more flavor and texture variety.
  • Reduced fat and calories – Air frying uses little to no oil compared to deep frying. This significantly cuts down on the fat and calories when cooking dynamite mussels.
  • Retains moisture and flavor – The rapid air frying helps seal in moisture and flavor that may otherwise be lost in oven baking. The mussels come out juicy and flavorful.
  • Versatile – Dynamite mussels cooked in an air fryer can be enjoyed on their own, added to salads, pasta, pizza, and more. Their texture stands up well to being combined with other ingredients.
  • Easy cleanup – With little to no oil, cleaning up after air frying dynamite mussels is quicker and easier than deep frying or broiling.

Benefits Of Dynamite Mussels

Here are some potential benefits of eating dynamite mussels:

  • High in Protein – Like other types of mussels, dynamite mussels are a great source of lean protein. A 3-ounce serving contains about 20 grams of protein.
  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals – Dynamite mussels provide a variety of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, iron, selenium, and zinc. These nutrients support immune function, metabolism, nerve transmission, and more.
  • Heart Healthy Omega-3s – Dynamite mussels contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA, which can improve heart health and lower triglycerides.
  • Low in Calories – With only around 120 calories in 3 ounces of dynamite mussels, they are a low-calorie way to get lean protein compared to other protein sources.
  • May Support Gut Health – Some research indicates that mussels contain prebiotics that could promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome. This may improve digestion and immunity.
  • Sustainably Farmed – Unlike some types of seafood, dynamite mussels are sustainably farmed without reliance on wild capture. This makes them an environmentally friendly protein choice.

Ingredients For Dynamite Mussels

Ingredients For Dynamite Mussels
Amount Ingredient Substitutions
24 Mussels, scrubbed and debearded Clams or shrimp
1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs Crushed crackers
1/4 cup Mayonnaise Sour cream
2 tbsp Fresh lemon juice Bottled lemon juice
1 tbsp Sriracha sauce Other hot sauce
2 Garlic cloves, minced 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup Fresh parsley, chopped 2 tbsp dried parsley
to taste Salt and pepper

This easy recipe calls for just a few affordable ingredients:

  • Mussels – Choose fresh, live mussels and make sure to scrub off any dirt and remove the fibrous “beard” before cooking. Clams or shrimp also work.
  • Panko bread crumbs – These Japanese bread crumbs get ultra crispy in the air fryer. Crushed crackers make a good substitute.
  • Mayonnaise and lemon juice – Mixing these with the Sriracha and garlic makes a quick aioli-style dipping sauce.
  • Sriracha – Add as much or as little as you want for your desired level of heat.
  • Garlic and parsley – Provide fresh, aromatic flavor.
  • Salt and pepper – Season to taste.

Instructions For Dynamite Mussels

Cooking Dynamite Mussels in the air fryer is simple and hands-off. Follow these steps for crispy, juicy mussels in about 15 minutes:

  1. Preheat air fryer to 400°F.
  2. Make sauce: In a small bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, lemon juice, Sriracha, garlic, parsley, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Set aside.
  3. Bread mussels: Pat the scrubbed mussels dry with a paper towel. Place the panko crumbs in a shallow dish. Working with one mussel at a time, dip in the panko to evenly coat, patting to help the crumbs adhere.
  4. Air fry: Place the breaded mussels in the air fryer basket in a single layer, making sure not to overcrowd. Air fry for 6-8 minutes, until the panko is golden brown and the mussels have opened up.
  5. Serve: Transfer the air fried dynamite mussels to a serving platter. Drizzle with the sauce and garnish with extra parsley if desired. Provide small bowls for dipping the mussels in the sauce. Enjoy immediately while hot and crispy.

Tips For Cooking Dynamite Mussels In Air Fryer

  • Freshness: Make sure the mussels are fresh. Fresh mussels should smell like the ocean and not fishy.
  • Pre-cooking: Mussels only need to be steamed until they just open. Overcooking before air frying can make them tough.
  • Sauce Variations: You can adjust the heat of the sauce by adding more or less Sriracha. Adding a bit of finely chopped pickled jalapeños or red pepper flakes can also enhance the spice level.
  • Watch the Cooking Time: Since air fryers can vary in power, keep an eye on your mussels to ensure they don’t burn.

Serving Suggestions Dynamite Mussels

These crispy, spicy mussels make for a stellar appetizer or main dish. Here are some serving ideas:

  • Provide slices of lemon wedges to squeeze over the mussels. Brightens the flavors.
  • Garlic bread or ciabatta are perfect for dipping in the garlicky aioli sauce.
  • Serve over a bed of fresh salad greens for a light meal.
  • Pair with tartar sauce or cocktail sauce for dipping.
  • Garnish with minced parsley or chili flakes.
Serving Suggestions Dynamite Mussels


Can I use frozen mussels?

It’s best to use fresh, live mussels. Frozen mussels will likely end up with a softer texture when cooked in the hot air fryer.

How do I know when the mussels are done?

Check them at 6 minutes. Properly cooked mussels will have opened up. Discard any that haven’t opened after 8 minutes.

Can I make this without an air fryer?

Yes! You can bake the breaded mussels on a sheet pan in a 425°F oven for about 8-10 minutes instead. They won’t be quite as crispy.

Conclusion: Dynamite Mussels

This easy Air Fryer Dynamite Mussels recipe delivers big flavors without the fat and mess of deep frying. The air fryer gives the mussels a crispy, panko coating while keeping the insides tender and juicy. Home cooks will love the succulent texture of the mussels paired with the addictive garlicky, Sriracha mayo sauce for dipping. This recipe works great as an app or main dish and pairs wonderfully with wines, beers, breads, and salads. The air fryer ensures you get all the crispiness and flavor of dynamite mussels without any of the greasiness. For a quick, healthy, and impressive seafood meal, Air Fryer Dynamite Mussels are a must try.

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