How To Make Bún Riêu (Vietnamese Crab and Pork Noodle Soup)

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Bún Riêu is a popular Vietnamese noodle soup made with a broth flavored by crab and tomato. Bún Riêu originated in northern Vietnam and is beloved for its sweet, sour and spicy flavors. The combination of crab and tomato makes the broth unique with its savory umami taste balanced by tart and tangy notes. The rice noodles soak up the flavors of the soup while the fresh herbs provide aroma. Bún Riêu is a hearty and comforting soup that is simple to make at home. Follow this guide to learn how to prepare authentic Bún Riêu.

What Does Bún Riêu Mean?

What Does Bún Riêu Mean?

Bún riêu is a Vietnamese noodle soup made with a crab and tomato broth. The name “bún riêu” comes from:

  • Bún – meaning “rice vermicelli noodles” in Vietnamese
  • Riêu – meaning “meat broth” in Chinese

So the direct translation of “bún riêu” is “rice vermicelli noodle meat broth soup”. The key components that make it “bún riêu” are the rice noodles and the crab-based broth, often also containing tomatoes for sweetness and tamarind for sourness.

The “riêu” part of the name indicates it is a meat broth soup, but specifically it contains crab meat or crab paste as the key ingredient for flavoring the broth. So “bún riêu” refers to this classic Vietnamese vermicelli noodle soup made with a crab and tomato broth.

Ingredients For Bún Riêu

Ingredients For Bún Riêu

These are the essential ingredients you’ll need to make Bún Riêu:

  • Crab: Use blue crab, mud crab or Dungeness crab. The crab meat and roe provide rich flavor.
  • Tamarind: Tamarind paste or concentrate adds sourness.
  • Tomato: Tomato flesh simmers into the broth and tomato juice provides sweetness.
  • Rice noodles: Use thin bánh phở noodles or thicker bún noodles.
  • Herbs: Mint, cilantro, basil bring fresh aroma.

Other ingredients like lemongrass, fish sauce, shrimp paste and chili add extra layers of flavor. To prepare the crab, remove the top shell, clean out the guts and reserve the meaty claws, legs and body. The yellow crab roe/fatty tissue is prized. If some crab ingredients are unavailable, you can substitute with extra shrimp paste or fish sauce. The noodles can be swapped for other rice noodles like bún bò huế noodles.

Instructions For Bún Riêu

Follow these steps to make flavorful Bún Riêu broth:

  1. Sauté minced garlic, shallots and lemongrass.
  2. Add tamarind, tomato, fish sauce, crab roe and shrimp paste.
  3. Pour in water and bring to a boil.
  4. Simmer broth for 45 minutes to develop flavors.
  5. Season with sugar, salt and chili to taste.

The secret to Bún Riêu is the umami-rich crab paste made from the crab shells and legs. Here’s how to prepare it:

  • Rinse crab parts and drain well.
  • Lightly crack shells with a mallet or rolling pin.
  • Roast crab in oven at 350°F for 20 minutes.
  • Simmer roasted crab in water for 1 hour.
  • Remove crab from liquid and set aside.
  • Reduce liquid over high heat to make crab paste.

To cook the noodles:

  • Boil water in a pot.
  • Add rice noodles and cook for 1-2 minutes until tender.
  • Rinse noodles in cold water and drain.

Now you’re ready to assemble the Bún Riêu bowls:

  1. Place noodles into deep bowls.
  2. Arrange crab meat and toppings on noodles.
  3. Ladle hot broth over everything.
  4. Garnish with mint, basil and cilantro.

Adjust the broth to your taste by adding more tamarind for sourness or fish sauce for saltiness. Let the soup simmer longer to reduce and concentrate flavors.

Toppings For Bún Riêu

Popular toppings for Bún Riêu include:

  • Shrimp: Butterfly peeled shrimp and sauté with garlic.
  • Pork: Quickly stir-fry thinly sliced pork belly.
  • Eggs: Fry quail eggs until crispy on the edges.
  • Fried tofu: Cut tofu into bite-size cubes and fry until golden brown.

Prep the toppings just before serving the soup, cooking each ingredient separately to maximize flavors.

Serving Suggestions Bún Riêu

Serving Suggestions Bún Riêu

Get creative with how you serve and enjoy Bún Riêu:

  • Add a scoop of chả cá (fried fish paste) as a topping.
  • Serve with a side of fried shrimp chips.
  • Squeeze lime wedges into the broth.
  • Pair with Vietnamese iced coffee topped with sweetened condensed milk.
  • Let the leftovers continue simmering to intensify the broth.

Common Questions

Is Bún Riêu vegetarian?

Bún Riêu is not vegetarian as it relies on crab and often shrimp paste for the signature umami flavor.

How does Bún Riêu compare to phở and bún bò huế?

While all Vietnamese noodle soups, phở focuses on beef broth, bún bò huế features spicy lemongrass, and Bún Riêu highlights crab and tomato.

Can I use shrimp paste instead of crab paste?

Substitute crab paste with a couple tablespoons of shrimp paste to mimic the sweet brininess.

What are some regional variations?

Northern Bún Riêu uses rice noodles while central Vietnam versions may use thicker noodles. Some add fried tofu or tamarind juice.

Conclusion: Bún Riêu

Bún Riêu is a tasty and unique Vietnamese soup that is worth trying at home. With its sweet, sour, and savory flavors and combination of noodles, crab, and fresh herbs, it’s no wonder why it’s so beloved. Mastering the technique of making the crab infused broth and properly cooking the rice noodles results in a comforting and vibrant dish to enjoy. Bún Riêu is a staple Vietnamese street food that captures the essence of the cuisine.

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